“Elevating 100 Homes out of Areas that Repetitively Flood”

Pictured: Home after elevation project completed.
By “Adopting a Home“ in Maryland, you are helping to build community resilience in some of the most disadvantaged areas of the state. Your donation helps experienced volunteers in the field to elevate and repair homes affected by repetitive flooding loss. Each donated dollar goes towards necessary items such as:
- Engineering costs
- Construction Supplies
- Home Elevation Services
- Permitting
- Volunteer Support
Post Superstorm Sandy, the Eastern Shore Long-Term Recovery Committee (ESLTRC), with support and Collaboration from Maryland VOAD, built, elevated, or helped to build 64 homes affected by flooding. None of these homes have had repetitive loss.
Overall Benefits:
- More resilient community.
- Saves non-profits from having to provide repetitive services for such things as muck-outs, minor repairs, donated goods, and financial assistance.
- Saves local, state, and federal tax dollars for funding services and resources for repetitive loss.
- Greatly reduced insurance rates & increased peace of mind for the homeowner.
- Provides better stewardship for funds entrusted to us; and most importantly,
- Significantly improves the quality of life for the families we serve.
Right now, the ESLTRC is focusing on elevating and repairing 100 homes impacted by the Tidal Flooding in 2021 in Somerset and Dorchester counties. The projected average elevation cost per home is $50,000 or with an overall project cost of $6.5 million dollars. Once funding is secured, a home is qualified, and the project is started. The future goal is to bring this same program to every community in Maryland.
Homeowner eligibility for the “Adopt a Home” program is:
- Primary residence was impacted by the Tidal Flooding in 2021.
- Home is within the disaster-impacted geographic area.
- Homeowners are unable reach recovery with their existing resources or those of the surrounding community.
MD VOAD caseworkers also support the homeowner through the process with such things as:
- Assisting residents to find a place to store undamaged belongings.
- Assisting residents to find temporary housing during construction.
“Adopt a Home” Partners:
- Eastern Shore Long-Term Recovery Committee
- Blue Ribbon Mitigation Task Force
- Maryland VOAD and Member Organizations:
o Mennonite Disaster Service, Lutheran Disaster Response, Brethren Disaster Ministries, Islamic Relief USA, Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, and United Church of Christ - JZ Engineering
- Expert House Movers, Inc.
- Somerset & Dorchester Counties
- Maryland Department of Emergency Management
Project Status: Click here for more information.